Supreme Court explains offense of abetment to suicide
The Supreme Court of India enunicated the principles governing the offense of abetment to suicide. The Supreme Court of India’s judgment in Prabhat Kumar Mishra v. The State of U.P.…
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The Supreme Court of India enunicated the principles governing the offense of abetment to suicide. The Supreme Court of India’s judgment in Prabhat Kumar Mishra v. The State of U.P.…
We find that the evidence tendered by the eyewitnesses suffer from serious lacunae. Thus, their evidence cannot be said to be credible. That apart, material witnesses have not been examined.…
An analysis of the three new criminal laws which have been passed by the Indian Parliament and are expected to be notified by the Government of India in 2024. The…
On the basis of the feedback received from the Standing Committee, the Government of India withdrew the three new criminal law bills which it had introduced in Parliament. This is…
Sufficient cause is necessary for forcing the accused to undergo the rigours of the trial. The Supreme Court of India delivered a significant judgment in a criminal appellate jurisdiction involving…