Quashing of criminal proceedings

Quashing of criminal proceedings by High Court were set aside by the Supreme Court of India.

The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) appealed to the Supreme Court of India against a High Court decision to quash criminal proceedings in the FIR No. RC0512020S0001 case. The accused, Aryan Singh and Gautam Cheema, filed discharge applications before the Trial Court, which was dismissed on merit. However, the High Court, in exercise of the powers under Section 482 Cr.P.C, quashed the criminal proceedings against the accused Aryan Singh and Gautam Cheema, which was appealed by the CBI. The CBI submitted that the High Court has exceeded its jurisdiction by quashing the entire criminal proceedings, as if it were conducting a mini trial. The Supreme Court set aside the impugned common judgment and order passed by the High Court by relegating the accused to face the trial.

Central Bureau of Investigation …Appellant(s)
Aryan Singh Etc. …Respondent(s)
decided by the Supreme Court of India on 11.04.23

By aor.sanjivnarang@gmail.com

Sanjiv Narang Adv. is an Advocate on Record (AOR) in the Supreme Court of India.